※ 投稿されたポスター候補の画像は、下へスクロールしてご覧ください。

Please scroll down to see images of the candidate posters submitted.

写真・イラストなどの募集 Call for photo illustrations, etc.



写真やイラストなどを投稿できるよう、「Contact Us」から、貴方のメールアドレスを正しく入力してメッセージを送ってください。投稿用のアドレスを伝えます。


We will accept photos and illustrations as candidates for the 33rd anniversary poster until August 31, and in early September, we will conduct a web-based survey to determine which one receives the most votes to be made into a poster with the SVX 33rd anniversary logo, and the printed poster will be displayed at the Japan Automobile Museum. The posters will be printed and made available for purchase at the Japan Automobile Museum for an amount that will also be added to the support funds. In addition, we will also create a booklet of the submitted photos and illustrations, which will be sold for the same amount of support money as the stickers.


Please send us a message via "Contact Us" with your correct e-mail address so that we can post your photos, illustrations, etc. We will give you the address for submissions.

SVX25 Poster 1

SVX25 Poster 2

SVX25 Poster 3


Candidate posters submitted





青森県三沢市  航空科学館

Misawa City, Aomori Prefecture Aviation Science Museum


青森県八甲田山 雪の回廊

Snow Corridor, Mt. Hakkoda, Aomori


